„Už Balos“ - pokalbis apie 2022-ųjų politikos klausimus su Povilu Žumbakiu
JAV lietuvis advokatas Povilas Žumbakis pirmajam naujų metų „Už balos“ epizodui parengė trumpą įvadinį tekstą anglų kalba, kuriuo ir dalina...
JAV lietuvis advokatas Povilas Žumbakis pirmajam naujų metų „Už balos“ epizodui parengė trumpą įvadinį tekstą anglų kalba, kuriuo ir dalinamės su jumis. Tikimės supratimo dėl to, jog tekstas parengtas anglų kalba. Laidos rengiamos vidutiniškai kas dvi savaites, garso įrašo formatu, lietuvių kalba.
Communist China Genocide Olympics
Dictators seek universal recognition if not approval. It’s in the nature of the beast.
What better global showcase of Olympic sports, the games dating back to classic Greece and modern games that are suppose to unite the world on the fields of athletic competition rather than on battle fields.
1936 Hitler was tge boast of the Olympics, 2014 Winter Olympics were spotlighted Putin. 2022 Olympics belongs to Xi.
Following the Berlin games Hitler proceeded to occupy most of Europe, initially assisted by his fellow dictator Stalin.
Following the Winter Olympics Putin occupies Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
After the 2022 Winter ga,es, it’s Xi’s opportunity.
Hitler, Putin, Xi - all had records of oppression and bloody hands before the games. The world was aware of their evil ways but did not care…entertainment, business and morally weak Western leaders complied with the dictator celebrations. Sports federations accommodated the wishes of tyrants. (One brave exception: Women’s’ Tennis association!).
Companies are rushing to advertise and plead the hosts as slave labor contribute to their profits.
Hitler, Putin and Xi may grab the gold, but civilization bleeds…
Economy of printing presses
Olympics touches the soul. Economic affects the body.
United States leads the world in eco mic production and standards. Free enterprise dynamics still leads the globe but Communist China and its state dominated business is about to take over.
Most of the world, especially the Europeans do not care about the China global grab. But they should!
U. S. and E. U. advance their economies and general welfare by innovation, free capital flow and dynamic economic leadership. Communist China advances by manipulation, theft of technology and…forced as well as slave labor. It also shows irs teeth by blackmail and extortion, witness Africa and South America states who were persuaded to borrow from China for the Road and Belt projects. Lithuania is feeling the threats for exercising its sovereign right’s vis -vis Taiwan.
To cover up inefficiencies, poor planning and socialist largess, Western governments and central banks went on a binge of irresponsible programs and money printing.
Using the China virus as a beneficial crisis, the governments not inky curbed citizen freedoms bit caused an inflation bot seen in 40 years. Inflation, liked an unseen Desease hurts majority of the population, especially the working population, the elderly and the poor. Only the super rich and the political class is immune from the inflation blight.
Thus 2022 may be the year that the irresponsible money printing and spending collide. Look out below
Congressional elections November
U. S. is heading towards the mid-term Congressional elections - a Democratic safety check against a irresponsible government. All members of the House of Representatives and 1/3 of the members of Senate are to be elected.
Given the disastrous first year of Biden administration, the prognosis is that the Republican Party will take back the House of Representatives (now Democrat controlled by a slight majority). Here is a chance that the Republicans will also take back the Senate (now 50:50 but with the Vice President casting the tie vote, thus Democrat controlled).
Some pundits predict that with Republican Congress there will be a reversal of the destructive Biden policies. That is unlikely.
The Republicans tend to be passive when in control of Congress. But even if they choose to reverse the damage there will be little they can do as long as a Democrat is the president. The most they could do is to curb the Biden agenda in the House of Representatives and slow the Senate confirmation of incompetent and even Marxist officials.
To reverse the damage to immigration, economy and foreign relations will take a new Congress and Presidency in 2024.
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